The Story of Idaho Stitched

Hello friends. My name is Shalea and I am the hands behind Idaho Stitched. Born and raised in rural Idaho, there are a couple things that are etched deep into my heart. Among them are the smells of blooming sagebrush, the sound of snow falling in pines, views of wildflowers blanketing a mountain meadow, vibrant cotton candy sunsets, and springtime calves running through the pasture. Hopefully you can relate!
I am a self taught knitter and have created these patterns of my own. I learned how to knit solely from YouTube! One day, I thought to myself, "I want to make a scarf." I went to the Walmart, grabbed the first knitting needles and yarn I could find, and after a couple of months, I finished my scarf. Not going to lie, it was not the prettiest thing. There were lots of random holes, it was an oblong, weird shape, and it took me a long time to finish. Needless to say, I have come a long way since then, but I still hold on to that first scarf as a happy memory. I went on to make beanies, mostly as gifts for my sisters and nieces for Christmas. I made this yellow beanie and wore it around a lot and got asked "Where did you get that? It's so cute!" and I would reply "Oh, I made it." and then would follow "Can you make me one?" And just like that, this business was born. It has been such a good time...and its just beginning!
When I'm not knitting, you can catch me mountain biking, skiing, walking through the mountains or riding my horse, Squirt. We currently live in Southeast Idaho, while my husband is doing his clinical rotations for medical school. We have two beautiful daughters who keep us busy, but are the joys of our life.
My latest endeavors include opening a Yarn Yurt, where I teach knitting workshops, carry yarn to sell, and use as a creative space. The Yurt is also available for people to rent out for events or parties. All you need to do is message me on Instagram to arrange that.
I also recently began a journey of teaching myself how to sew. I have fallen in love with upcycling, especially making clothes and dresses for my little girls. I have found that slow fashion is a passion of mine, whether that be sewing my own clothes, or knitting them.
Thanks for joining along in my creative journey! Ultimately I hope to foster a creative community who love the mountains and crafting.